Friday 21 December 2012

Lamentation - End of the World

The world will end today
It will end in hospital wards
in speeding cars
in shop doorways
in dark alleys
It will end in unrequited love
rejection and betrayal
denial and loss
in goodbye
It will end in dreams shattered
expectations dashed
starved ambition
It will end in abuse and misuse
in humiliation
random acts of neglect
The world will end today
and another and another
until the weight of the universe
presses down on human hearts
And a new world will not be born
If Pandora's box cannot be made
of rough timber and straw
if Hope will not fit in an infant's hand.
The world will end today



  1. I posted your poem on our new monasticism facebook page and it proved a popular post....I really needed to hear these words as an alternative to the none sense of the last few days....especially as we live in the village of Şirince in Turkey:) John Skinner NM

  2. Thank you for your support John. I have been praying for you for a few years via Andy and Anna - a small world. Blessings
