Saturday, 2 February 2013



Forty Days after Christmas; another journey of faith through the darkness to the mid point between the Winter and Spring Equinox.

The winter has been filled with blessing and prayers for the light to come and just as it seems that we have waited too long this time.... 

...overnight the morning sky seems lighter and higher; life begins to glow in the blanketing of last years leaves; suddenly there is  birdsong and the flitting of robins and wrens through the budding hedgerows.  Moods lighten and fingers itch to out in the gardens; feet seek out the old paths beneath the dead grasses. Only now we notice we have been holding our breath for this moment...
Forty days after the birth of their child, in the Jewish tradition, Mary and Joseph take their son to the Temple. Simeon, the upright and holy man acknowledges a promise with a daring prayer of thanks. 

‘Now, Master, you can let your servant go in peace,
just as you promised;
because my eyes have seen the salvation
which you have prepared for all the nations to see,
a light to enlighten the pagans
and the glory of your people Israel.’
The Light is for the nations; the people of Israel have brothers and sisters, and we are all chosen.
Baskets of candles will be blessed today to be taken home as witnesses to the light. Light in a window will always attract attention; a beacon; a calling; a  celebration; a welcoming; a sign of illness; always a sign of hope.
A Light for all people; for all nations; for all time.

Prayer for the Blessing of Candles

  Loving God, whose Son is Light Eternal
Recall to us the promise of Simeon
That your Light belongs to all
Bless + these candles
May they light our homes with your grace
Help us walk in the path of goodness
and lead us to the light that shines forever

blessed be